Or why the Australian press waxes lyrical every time it comes face to face with an SRT special.
Desi beauty blogger Sumi tells P Rajendran how she manages write about beauty and to study clinical psychology at the same time.
'The most recent incident involving Musharraf's make-believe is the standoff at a terrorist stronghold in Islamabad.'
As it pits itself against the sarkar and the "company" in a $12 billion stakeout, Latha Jishnu speculates about the future of a small village with an idyllic - but apparently doomed - way of life.
Now that the prime minister has put into his mouth what should have been firmly planted on the ground, if the Pakistanis insist on talking to us about self-determination for Kashmir, lets then also talk self-determination for Baluchistan.
'So what if they are remote-controlled, run on rechargeable batteries, are at least 100 times smaller than the \n\nreal thing and I am on the right side of 30?'
T P Sreenivasan recalls his encounters with Zubin Mehta.
'Our corporate nabobs often milk their companies by appointing procurement and distribution agents, by under- and over-invoicing imports/exports, evading taxes, indulging in insider trading, and dressing up balance-sheets. Satyam fits this pattern, which is widely prevalent in most brick-and-mortar companies.'
'The multitudes come and mourn in their own ways, hang around and greet new arrivals, share news and information, rumour and suspicion, and above all, anger.
Pakistan journalist Hamid Mir on issues like Musharraf's compulsions in resorting to this extreme measure, conducting elections and restoring democracy in Pakistan, whether its nuclear weapons are in danger of falling into extremists' hands and what the ramifications for India would be.
Once one of the hottest companies in Silicon Valley, Sun Microsystems crashed with the dotcoms, but it kept pouring money into R&D. Now there are signs of a revival.
The causes are symptomatic with the UPA's failure to get going on the infrastructure front -- a key bottleneck as well as its inability to push agriculture growth, which slowed down from 6 per cent in 2005-06 to 2.7 per cent the year after.
Geetanjal Krishna spends three days in Benares to understand why the city's famous handwoven silk industry is in the doldrums.
An interview with ad guru Alyque Padamsee.
Working all but alone from his hardware-strewn office, Jeff Han is about to change the face of computing. Not even the big boys are likely to catch him.
'We need to work on the team spirit rather than focusing on individuals,' says Sudhir Patel.